EPISODE 36: Windows, a portal to the soul of the home!

With Lynette McNeil of Coast Door and Hardware

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In episode 36 of “From Disaster to Dream Home,” Jana is joined by the knowledgeable Lynette McNeil from Coast Door and Hardware. We’re diving deep into the world of windows and interior doors—vital elements that shape the soul of your sanctuary!

Ever wonder how to pick the perfect windows or the ideal interior doors Lynette shares the secrets and the latest trends, safety regulations, and how to balance beauty with budget.

From the traditional to contemporary styles, we discuss it all.  Plus, we’ll touch on the COVID-19 curveballs thrown at the supply chain which are still slowing things down., as a heads up for the things to be aware of as the amount of rebuilds in Loa Angeles ramps up For more golden nuggets of home-building wisdom, visit Coast Door and Hardware at www.coastdoor.net and catch all our episodes at www.fromdisastertodreamhome.com. Your dream home awaits!